Krishna Kant

Office phone: (215) 204-9654

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Krishna Kant is an IEEE fellow, an IEEE distinguished visitor, and currently a professor in Computer and Information Science Department, Temple University. He was also the director of the recently concluded  Temple site of CRIS (Center for research in intelligent storage), which is an NSF supported IUCRC (Industry-University Cooperative Research Center. The center was a part of 3-site IUCRC, the other two being at Univ of Minnesota, Minneapolis and University of Texas A&M. Prior to joining Temple in 2014, he was a program director at the National Science Foundation and carries a combined 45 years of experience in industry, academia and government.

        Ph.D. in Computer Science, University of Texas at Dallas, Richardson, TX (1981)

        M.S. in Electrical Communication Eng., Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, India (1977)

        B.Tech. in Electrical Eng., Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur, India (1975)

Current Research Interests: IoT systems, Storage systems, Computer Vision, intrabody communications, networked Configuration and Energy Management in data centers, data center networks, Security and robustness in cyberphysical systems.

Other Expertise: Sharing in multiparty systems, Mathematical performance modeling, Telecommunication systems, Internet protocols and technologies, data center design issues, emerging nonvolatile memory technologies, Domain name system (DNS and DNS-SEC) robustness, Traffic characterization and congestion control, Low-level hardware architectural design and modeling, Hardware acceleration technologies, Peer to Peer computing.

Professional Experience: Assistant and then tenured Associate Professor of computer science (1981-1991 – Northwestern & Penn State Univ.), R&D in telecommunications industry (1991-1997, Bellcore), R&D in computer industry (1997-2008, Intel), Funding agency program manager (2008 - April 2010, NSF), Research professor (April 2010 – present, George Mason Univ.), Funding agency program manager (2010 –2013, NSF).  Professor (2014-, Temple University). For details, see below.


Recent Educational Initiatives:

        Involved since 2009 in curriculum development in parallel and distributed computing area under the sponsorship of IEEE TCPP (technical committee on parallel processing). Also involved with biannual competitions since 2011 to collect & evaluate early adopter feedback. I also received IEEE TCPP certificate for outstanding contributions for 2011 in this connection.  Paper #112 articulates the need for a standardized curriculum in the parallel and distributed systems area:


Recently Funded Grants:

1.       Integrating AI and Spatiotemporal Reasoning for Multi-Domain Battle Situational Understanding, Army Research Labs, $85000, July 2023-June 2024.

  1. EAGER: Nonintrusive Engagement and Posture Detection in Virtual Classroom Environments, NSF, CNS-2333611, $300,000, Oct 2023 – Sept 2025.
  2. Center for Smart technologies for Environmental and energy Sustainability, Temple office of Vice President of Research, $130,000, 01/01/2022-12/31/2023.
  3. RIBNET: Reconfigurable Intra-Body Networks for Therapeutics, NSF, CNS-2129659, $500,000, 08/2021-08/2024. Role: Co-PI.

5.      Eager: Designing Infrastructure to Probe Distributed System Configurations, NSF $300,000, April 2020-2024.

  1. REU grant for Eager: Exploring Magnetic Communications for Challenging Environments, NSF, CNS-1844944, $16,000, 9/2018-9/2021.

7.      Supplemental funding for Collaborative Research: A Multi-University I/UCRC Phase II Center on Intelligent Storage, NSF, IIP-1439672, $50,000 in June 2018, and $15000 in Feb 2020, Role: Lead PI

  1. Eager: Exploring Magnetic Communications for Challenging Environments, NSF, CNS-1844944, $110,000, 9/2018-9/2021.
  2. Coordinated Network QoS for Remote NVM Protocols NVMe-oF and PM-oF, Intel Corp, $200,000, June 2019-2021.

10.   Exploring Magnetic Communications for Challenging Environments, NSF, $110,000, CNS- 1844944, Sept 1, 2018-Feb 28, 2022.

11.   Magnetic Induction Based Communications for Fresh Food Distribution Monitoring, NSF, $150,000, CNS- 1744187, Aug 1, 2017 – July 31, 2019.

12.   Industry support for I/UCRC (See #4) in form of memberships: HP Enterprise Storage $250,000  (2015-19), Dell/EMC $150,000 (2016-18), Salesforce $25,000 (2017), Huawei $125,000 (2017-19).

13.   CPS: Breakthrough: Collaborative Research: Securing Smart Grid by Understanding Communications Infrastructure Dependencies, NSF, $245,000, CNS-1544904, Oct 2015 – Sept 2018, Collaborative with MST), Role: Lead PI

14.   CSR: Small: Collaborative Research: Multi-party Collaborative Data Access, NSF, CNS-1527346, $358,894, Oct 2015- Sept 2018 (Collaborative with UNC/Charlotte), Role: Lead PI

15.   INSPIRE: Exploiting Cross-Disciplinary Synergies for Efficient Perishable Commodity and Information Distribution, NSF, CNS-1542839, $200,000, July 2015 – June 2017, Role: Lead PI

16.   Shadowing - An adaptive, Power-Aware Resiliency Framework for Exascale Computing, DoE, ASCR- 0000216300, $210,000, July 2015 – July 2018, (Collaborative with U/Pitt), Role: Temple PI

17.   BDD: Dynamic Evolution of Smart-Phone Based Emergency Communications Network, NSF, CNS-1461932, $299,999, June 2015 – April 2018, Role: Lead PI

18.   Collaborative Research: A Multi-University I/UCRC Phase II Center on Intelligent Storage, NSF, IIP-1439672, $325,000, Sept 2014 – Aug 2019, (Collaborative w/ U/Minn and Texas A&M) , Role: Lead PI

  1. Collaborative Research: Software Defined Energy Adaptation in Large Scale Data Centers, NSF, CNS-1422921, $299,997, Oct 2014- Aug 2019 (Collaborative with U/Minn) , Role: Lead PI  (Addition of $50K supplement in July 2018)
  2. Collaborative Research: EAGER: From Computer Networks to Food Networks, NSF, CNS-1414509, $125,000, May 2014 -April 2016, (Collaborative with UC/Davis), Role: Lead PI
  3. EAGER: Quality of Configuration in Large Scale Data Centers, NSF, CNS-1407876, $299,353, May 2014 - April 2016, Role: Lead PI

Older Grants (While at Intel Corp):

  1. Collaborative Research: Cooperative Security mechanisms for DNS, $290K, NSF, July 2007-June 2010 (w/ UC/Davis), Role: Lead PI
  2. Improving Internet Security via Meta-Data Channel, $100K, Intel IT research grant for April 2005-March 2008 (w/ UC/Davis) , Role: Lead PI
  3. Scalable software systems for Large Internet Servers, $465K, NSF, Jan 2003-Dec 2006 (w/ UC/Davis and UC/Riverside) , Role: Lead PI
  4. Scalable data center transport, Intel Research grant funded for Sept 2004-sept 2005 under researcher-in-residence program for visit to UC/Davis for a year, Role: Lead PI



1.      US Patent no 5487072, An Error Monitoring Algorithm for Broadband Signaling Networks, Jan 23, 1996.

2.      US Patent no 5563874, Error monitoring algorithm for broadband signaling (a variant of original algorithm), Oct 8, 1996.

3.      US patent no 7027460, Method and system for customized television viewing using a peer-to-peer network, April 11, 2006.

4.      US patent no 7885914, Systems, methods and apparatuses for rank coordination, Feb 08, 2011

5.      US patent no 7392257, Incorporating structural information into an extensible markup language document, June 24, 2008.

6.      Auto-Learning Service Scheduler (IDF6808), July 2022.

Editorial boardSustainable Computing Journal (SUSCOM), Smart Cities Journal, IoT Journal.

Honors and Awards:

1.      I was elected as IEEE distinguished visitor in 2022, which is a continuing honor.

2.      I was elevated to IEEE Fellow in 2014 his contributions to enterprise server performance, power management technologies, and domain name system robustness.

3.      In Oct 2012, I was invited to present a retrospect on a paper that I published in ICCD (International Conference on Computer Design) 2002, which was among the five most impactful papers in 30 years of ICCD history.

4.      I received NSF director’s award for 2012 for my work on NSF wide sustainability program called SEES (Science, Engineering and Education for Sustainability), which is the highest award given in NSF.

5.      I also several certificates of appreciation including IEEE TCPP certificate for contributions to the development of parallel/distributed processing curriculum.


Tutorials Given at Major Conferences:

1.      Collaborative Sharing of Cloud Hosted Structured Data, 8th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Utility and Cloud Computing (UCC 2015), Limassol, Cyprus. See

2.      Sustainability and Energy Efficiency in Data Centers Design and Operation Design of Sustainable Data Centers, Given at High performance computing architecture (HPCA) conference in 2012 (New Orleans, LA), See Also given at International supercomputing conference in 2012 (Hamburg, Germany).

3.      Power/Thermal Challenges in Data Centers, Given at Super-Computing Conference in 2009 (Portland, OR). See

4.      Surviving Large Scale Internet Outages, Given at Dependable Systems and Networks (DSN) Conference in 2007 (Edinburgh, UK), See Also given at International Conferences on Distributed Systems and Networks (ICDCN) in 2009 in Hyderabad, India.

5.      Building Scalable Ad-hoc Collaboration Networks, Given at Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM) in 2003 in San Francisco, CA, See



Books and Book Chapters Published:

  1. K. Kant, Introduction to Computer System Performance Evaluation, McGraw-Hill, 1992; A widely respected graduate level textbook with in-depth coverage of mathematical modeling of performance.
  2. K. Kant, Steady State Analysis of Stochastic Systems, Chapter 2, pp17--68, invited contribution in Handbook of Statistics, Vol 9, 1993, edited by C. R. Rao. See
  3. K. Kant, Configuration Management Security in Data Center Environments, Invited chapter in Moving Target Defense: Creating Asymmetric Uncertainty for Cyber threats, Eds. S. Jajodia, A. Ghosh, V. Swarup, C. Wang, X. Wang, Springer, Dec. 2011. Discusses application of moving target defense techniques to the problem of data center configuration management.
  4. K. Kant, Energy Adaptive Computing -- A New Paradigm for Sustainable Computing, Invited chapter in Handbook of Energy Aware and Green Computing, Eds. S. Ranka & I. Ahmed, Chapman & Hall / CRC Computer & Information Sciences Series, Jan 2012. Discusses challenges in energy adaptation of computer systems.
  5. S. Das, K. Kant, N. Zhang (eds.), Handbook on Securing Cyber-Physical Infrastructures: Foundations and Challenges, Morgan Kaufman, Feb 2012. A comprehensive handbook on the subject with 30 chapters by leading experts in the field (see item #8).
  6. K. Kant and C. Deccio, Security and Robustness in the Internet Infrastructure, A chapter in the above handbook that provides a comprehensive treatment of security and robustness in the Internet.
  7. K. Kant, M. Murugan and D. Du, “Energy Adaptive Computing for a Sustainable ICT Ecosystem”, in Design Technologies for Green and Sustainable Computing Systems, Eds P. Pande, A. Ganguly, K. Chakrabarty, Springer, June 2013. See
  8. S. Jajodia, K. Kant, P. Samarati, et al., Secure Cloud Computing, Springer, publication date: Feb  2014, SBN-13: 978-1461492771, A compendium of security issues in cloud computing.  See:
  9. K. Kant, “Energy Efficiency Issues in Computing Systems”, Chapter 10 in “Parallel and Distributed Computing”, being developed by Center for Curriculum Development and Educational Resources (CDER), 2018.

Software Tools Developed:

1.      LMPOWER, a comprehensive tool for detailed studies on power management of memory and interconnect in SMP system. Developed while at Intel, use extensively in many projects.

2.      Geist (Generator of e-commerce and internet traffic), Developed while at Intel and open sourced, Available at

3.      SimP2 (Tool for evaluating performance of peer-to-peer file-sharing networks), Developed at Intel.

4.      DCLUE (Database cluster emulator) as tool for studying database cluster performance. Developed at Intel, Available at

5.      DNSViz – a tool for visualization of DNS misconfiguration, developed at Sandia Labs by Casey Deccio based on his Ph.D. work with me while I was at GMU/NSF.  Available at


Workshops Organized:   

1.      US-India Program for Exploratory Experiences for Researchers and Students (PEERS), w/ Sukumar Ghosh and Sajal Das), Jan 2009, IIIT Hyderabad, India.

2.      NSF workshop on Science of Power Management, (w/ Kirk Cameron & Kirk Pruhs), April 2009, Arlington VA.

3.      NSF-IUSSTF Workshop on Distributed Infrastructure for Security Monitoring and Intelligence Extraction Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, 9-13 January 2010. (see book #5, which resulted from this workshop.) (

4.      NSF-EU workshop on Future Directions in Pervasive Computing and Social Networking for Emerging Applications, (w/ Mohan Kumar and Sajal Das), Percom 2010, Manheim, Germany, March 2010

5.      US-India Pervasive Computing, Communication and Collaboration, (w/ Sajal Das, Jim Kurose, Huzur Saran), March 2011, New Delhi & June 2102 Arlington, VA. (These workshop resulted in an US-India funding program in pervasive computing.)

6.      Secure Cloud Computing, (w/ Sushil Jajodia), George Mason University, March 2013. (See edited book #8, which resulted from this workshop).

7.      Role of Distributed Coordination in Resilient & Fine-Grain Control of Power Grids, 8th CMU Electricity Symposium, (w/ Marja Ilic),, Feb 2014.


Other Professional Activities:
     Conferences: Service in many conference program committees including ICCCN 2024 (Executive Chair), Infocom 2024,  ICCCN 2023 (General Chair), ICCCN 2022 (program chair), Comsnet 2020, ICDCS 2020, DBsec 2017, Resilience week 2015-19, ICPP 2016, Safeconfig 2016-17, Networking 2016-2019, IPDPS 2016, Infocom 2010-2016, ICPP 2015, ICDCS 2013, WWW 2013, QEST 2013, ICCCN 2012, ICPP 2012, CCGrid 2011-12, Buildsys 2012, ICDCN 2012-2009, ICPP 2012, etc. I am currently PC co-chair of ICPP 2016, workshop chair for ICNP 2015, and PC chair for Resilience week 2015. I was PC co-chair for Safeconfig 2014, CCW 2014, and general co-chair for SustainIT 2015. I was the track vice-chair of ICDCS 2013, and program chair of DCperf 2013. I was the general chair of ICCCN 2012.


    Sabbatical: I was on sabbatical during Fall of 2022 working as visiting professor at the department of informatics, University of Pisa, Italy where I worked with several researchers and gave invited talks at CNR (Consortium for National Research), University of Siena, Santa Ana University, and departments within University of Pisa.


Invited talks/Panels: In gave an invited lecture on “Quantifying Configuration Health of Software Systems “ at IEEE Computer Society's Santa Clara Valley Chapter.  I also gave several other invited talk as noted above during the sabbatical. In Oct 2021, I gave a keynote at the 2021 IEEE Cloud Summit titled, “End to End Quality of Service for Networked Storage”. In Oct 2020, I gave a keynote at 2020 IEEE Cloud summit titled “Configuration Management and Diagnosis in Multi-tenant Systems”. At MASS 2019, I presented an invited paper titled “Storage on the Edge: Evaluating Cloud Backed Edge Storage in Cyberphysical Systems”. At 2019 ACM Sigmetrics CINS workshop, I gave an invited talk titled “Advanced Persistent Threats in Autonomous Driving”. At Globecom 2018 workshop on collaborative intelligence, I gave a keynote titled “Collaborative Intelligence Challenges in Edge Computing”. At ICCCN 2017, I participated in a panel titled “The Age of IoT”. At ICCCN 2016, I participated in a panel titled “Big Data and Clouds”.  At ICCCN 2015, I organized and moderated a panel on Cyber-Physical Clouds: Risks and Challenges. At Infocom 2014 I organized and moderated a panel on Networking Challenges for Cyber-Physical Systems. At ICDCS 2013 I organized a panel on Security, Privacy and Trust in Internet of Things. I participated in a panel at ICCCN 2013 in Nassau, Bahamas on Data Center Networks. I participated in a panel at PERCOM 2013 in San Diego, CA on the topic of Machine to Machine communications in Disaster Response. I organized a panel on Security and Privacy in the Age of Big Data at CollaborateCom conference in Pittsburgh, PA, Oct 2012.  I gave a keynote on sustainable computing International Green Computing Conference (IGCC), June 2013 in Arlington, VA. I gave a keynote on Energy Adaptation in Smart Infrastructure at SMART 2012 conference held in Stuttgart, Germany in Aug 2012. In April 2015, I gave an invited talk at IMDEA Network Institute in Madrid, Spain on “Energy Adaptive Disaster Recovery Network Using WiFi Tethering”, and presented an invited paper at ICCCN 2015 on “Collaborative Heterogeneous Sensing: An Application to Contamination Detection in Water Distribution Networks” in Aug 2015. At ICCCN 2016, I presented an invited paper on “IP address reconfiguration and consolidation in enterprise networks”.

     I have served and continue to serve on numerous review panels for National Science Foundation, Department of Energy and Hong Kong Graduate Research forum. I have also participated and organized NSF panels and workshops while serving as a NSF program director (2008-2013).


    Guest Editing: I have been also involved with guest editing of several special issues or special sections of Journals. I also guest edited a special section on computational sustainability in IEEE transactions on emerging topics in computing (, and a special section on pervasive computing sustainability in PMC journal ( I have also been involved with several edited books as listed above under Books published. Recent guest editing include the following:

(a)    IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications (IAS) Special Issue on Security, Reliability, Privacy, and Quality in Industrial Automation and Control, July 2020.

(b)    IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems (T-ITS) Special Issue on Deep Learning Models for Safe and Secure Intelligent Transportation Systems, July 2021.

(c)     IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics Special Issue on Configuration Security for Industrial Automation and Control Systems, June 2021.

(d)    IEEE Sensors Journal Special issue on Advanced Sensing and Sensor Fusion for Intelligent Transportation Systems, July 2021

(e)    IEEE Internet of Things Journal, special issue on IoT Systems for Extreme Environments, in progress.

(f)     IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics special issue on Tactile Internet, in progress.


Recent Advising  -- Ph.D.

1.      Pramita Pandit, Fall 2023, Working on NSF funded intrabody Networks project, Status: ongoing.

2.      Hirsa Kia, Spring 2023, Working on NSF funded intrabody Networks project, Status: ongoing.

3.      Sourav Das, Spring 2023, Working on NSF funded Microservices diagnosis project, Status: ongoing.

4.      Negar Mohammadi, Fall 2022, to work on NSF funded configuration management project, Status: ongoing.

5.      Mukunth Rajendran, Spring 2023, to work on computer vision related projects (self funded).

6.      Jit Gupta, Thesis Area: Achieving Deterministic Latency in Storage systems, Fall 2018, Status: Graduated in Summer 2023, Now with Juniper Networks.

7.      Pavana Pradeep, Thesis area: Resource and Conflict Management in Edge Computing systems, Fall 2018, Status: Completed in Spring 2023, Working as a postdoc with me on NSF funded grant.

8.      Rajpreet Gulati, Temple University, Thesis Area: Magnetic Induction based communications for Challenging Environments, Starting date: Fall 2017, Status: Completed Aug 2022.

9.      Lu Pang, Temple University, Thesis Area: Data Driven Storage Hierarchy Management, Starting date: Fall 2017, Status: Completed in spring 2023.

10.   Joyanta Biswas, Temple University, Thesis Area: QoS management in remote data center storage, Starting date: Fall 2016, Status: Completed Aug 2022, Now with HP Enterprise.

11.   Tanaya Roy, Temple University, Thesis Area:  QoS Management in Emerging Storage Technologies, Starting date: Fall 2016, Status: Completed Dec 2022, Now with NetApp Corp.

12.   Sanjeev Sondur, Temple University, Thesis area: Data Center Configuration and Energy Management, Role: Supervisor, Starting date: Fall 2014, Status: completed summer 2020, Now with Oracle corp.

13.   Madhurima Ray, Temple University. Thesis area: Software Defined Energy Management in Storage Systems, Role: Supervisor, Starting date: Fall 2015, Status: Completed Dec 2019. Now with Intel corp.

14.   Anis Alazzawe, Temple University. Thesis area: Resilience in High Performance Computing Systems, Role: Supervisor, Starting date: Summer 2015, Status: Completed Aug 2019.

15.   Dusan Ramljak, Temple University, Thesis area: Managing and Exploiting provenance in storage systems, Fall 2015, Completed May 2019, Now with University of Texas.

16.   Ibrahim El-Shekil, Temple University, Thesis area: Quality of Configuration in Large-Scale Data Centers, Role: Supervisor, Starting date: Fall 2014, Status: completed Dec 2018. Now with Metropolitan State University, St. Paul.

17.   Malek Athamnah, Temple University, Thesis area: Access Control in Collaborative Databases, Role: Supervisor, Starting date: Summer 2014, Status: Completed Sept 2018, Now postdoc at UPenn.

18.   Mayank Raj (2015), Missouri University of Science and Technology, Thesis area: Energy Adaptation for Mobile Devices, Role: Co-advisor, Starting date: Fall 2011, (Now with IBM).

19.   Muthu Murugan (2014), University of Minnesota, Thesis area: Energy Adaptation in Data Centers, Role: Co-advisor, Starting date: Fall 2010, Status: completed. (Now with HPE).

20.   Meixing Le (2013), George Mason University, Thesis area: Secure Collaboration in Multi-Cloud Environments, Role: Co-advisor, Starting date: Fall 2010, Status: completed. (Now with Cisco).

21.   Gim Jongmin (2012), Hanyang University, South Korea, Thesis area: Modeling of Emerging NVRAM Technologies, Role: Co-advisor, Starting date: Fall 2009, Status: completed. (Now with Samsung USA).

22.   Casey Deccio (2011), Univ. of California at Davis, Thesis area: Enhancing Security of the Domain Name System, Role: Co-advisor, Starting date: Fall 2008, Status: completed. (Now with Verisign).

23.   Lihua Yuan (2009), Univ. of California at Davis, Thesis area: Cooperative Security Mechanisms for Domain Name System, Role: Co-advisor, Starting date: Fall 2006, Status: completed. (Now with Microsoft).

24.   Neha Udar (2009), Southern Illinois University, Thesis area: Asset Localization in Data Centers Using UWB Radios, Role: Co-advisor, Starting date: Fall 2006, Status: completed. (Now with Intel).

25.   Amit Sahoo (2008), UC/Davis, Now with Cisco Systems, Thesis area: BGP Convergence Under Large Scale Internet Failures, Role: Co-advisor, Starting date: Fall 2005, Status: completed. (Now with Amazon).

Recent Advising – Post Doctoral Fellows

1.      Amitangshu Pal, Summer 2014 till Dec 2018, Exploiting synergies between food distribution and computer networks and Communications for disaster response.

2.      Alireza Jolfaei, Spring 2016—Dec 2017, Security Issues in Smart Grid.

3.      Lu Pang, Fall 2023 – Spring 2024, Video based student engagement detection.

4.      Pavana Pradeep, Fall 2023 – Present, working on video based situational awareness.

Recent Advising -- Other

1.      Linxiao Dai, MS student, Working on Storage Systems, Starting date: Fall 2016, Status: completed, Now with Dell.

2.      Xue Wang, MS student, Working on Storage Systems, Starting date: Fall 2016, Status: Completed.

3.      Dhruvin Sheth, Temple University, CIS Senior UG, Independent Study: Vulnerabilities of Smart Grid Communications Protocols, Role: Independent Study Advisor, Starting date: Fall 2015, Status: completed.

4.      Pradipti Pal, MS Independent study, Geospatial analysis on twitter data, Starting date: Spring 2017, Status: completed.

5.      Aron Cowan, Temple University, Junior UG, Research Project: Exploiting Provenance for Intelligent Prefetching of Data in Memory, Role: Supervisor, Starting date: Summer 2015, Status: completed.


Employment History

2014-Present: Professor, Department of Computer and Information Sciences (CIS), Temple University, Philadelphia, PA.

I currently conduct research in several areas: computer vision and IoT systems, energy and configuration management in data centers, Lightweight processing and conflicts in edge computing systems, magnetic communications for intra-body networks, security in smart grid, emerging storage technologies, and QoS in data center storage.


2010 - 2013: Research Professor, Center for Secure Information Systems (CSIS), George Mason University (GMU). 

My research at GMU was also in the areas of security and robustness issues in data centers. My recent work is also focused on robustness in the Internet, particularly robustness of DNS/DNS-SEC and of inter-domain routing (BGP).

While at GMU, I also served as a Program Director in the CISE/CNS division at the National Science Foundation. At NSF, I managed computer systems research (CSR) program in the CNS division and actively support a few other programs such as Expeditions in Computing and Cyber-physical systems. Over the years, I was instrumental in expanding the scope of the CSR program by addition of several emerging areas including energy and sustainability, pervasive computing and communications, high performance computing, and cloud computing.

   I was also deeply involved in the development of solicitations for the NSF-wide initiative called SEES (Science, Engineering and Education for Sustainability) and represented CISE directorate in this initiative at multiple levels. In particular, I was intimately involved in the development of several SEES solicitations and subsequently running the funding competitions including Earth Systems Modeling (EASM), Sustainable Energy Pathways (SEP), Sustainability Research Networks (SRN), Research Coordination Networks (RCN), Hazard and Disaster Management (HazardSEES), Cyber enabled sustainability science and engineering (CyberSEES), etc.

   I was also actively driving international collaboration initiatives within NSF in emerging fields of pervasive computing, sustainability, and infrastructure security.  In particular, I helped initiate a very successful US-India collaborative research program called PC3 (pervasive computing & communications collaboration) that currently has several successful ongoing projects in several pervasive computing topics. I also co-advised and continue to co-advise Ph.D. students at several institutions including ones at GMU, Hanyang University (Korea), Univ of Texas/Arlington, University of Minnesota, and University of North Carolina/Charlotte.


2008 - 2010: Program Director, CISE/CNS Division, National Science Foundation

     This is a position at NSF similar to the current one.  In addition to managing CSR and other NSF programs, I started an initiative on energy efficiency of IT, particularly data centers. This sub-area within CSR continues to attract increasing interest from the community. I also started initiative in enhanced international collaboration and organized several workshops for international collaboration targeted at areas like pervasive computing & social networking, infrastructure security, and computer networks and distributed systems. I coadvised 3 Ph.D. students during this time.

Research Collaborations: I have active collaborations with several universities.  I have collaborated closely with University of California at Davis since 2004 in the areas of robustness issues in the Internet, with University of Minnesota on energy efficient and sustainable computing since 2009, with University of Texas at Arlington on energy adaptation in peer to peer networks since 2009, and with Hanyang University (Korea) on emerging nonvolatile memory (NVRAM) technologies since 2008.  Currently I am collaborating with University of North Carolina, Charlotte on security configuration for data centers.

1997 - 2008: Senior Performance Analysis Engineer, Digital Enterprise Group, Intel Corp, Hillsboro, OR. 

Mainstream R&D Areas:  A significant part of my work was focused in designing new algorithms for power management of platform resources (DRAM ranks, DRAM-CPU interconnect, etc.) and detailed evaluation of their performance impact. Many of these power management algorithms were either adopted or heavily influenced power management architecture in Intel systems. Another key research was in the area of asset localization in data centers using wireless USB radios and its platform implementation issues. My related work spanned various aspects of data centers including real-time resource management, network virtualization, high speed networking, advanced transport layer features, metering and monitoring in a virtualized environments, hardware protocol acceleration, etc. My work on transport layer acceleration was critical in deciding Intel’s direction in this space.

Other work: One major theme of my work in Intel was the detailed architectural modeling of server platforms from a variety of perspectives. These models typically include details of processor busses/links, memory pipeline, IO busses, network processing, etc. and were used to assess impact of a variety of new HW capabilities on the performance of server benchmarks such as TPC-C, TPC-H, SpecWeb 99/2005, etc.  These models were routinely used in deciding overall architecture of Intel servers for various segments. In particular, I extensively studied hardware acceleration of various sorts (e.g., TCP, XML, encryption, authentication, compression, etc.), and the impact of inter-process communication latency on the performance of clustered database systems. I also worked on a variety of other research/implementation projects at Intel, including new server architectures that integrate compression into the DRAM, Internet server traffic characterization in terms of self-similarity and transactional properties, peer to peer computing, and network virtualization and utility computing. At Intel I was also involved with committees responsible for evaluating proposals submitted to Intel for funding.

Research Collaboration and Funding: During my tenure at Intel, I collaborated extensively with UC/Davis and wrote several joint NSF funding proposals.  Two of these proposals were funded and supported much of my joint research with UC/Davis.  In addition, during 2004-5, I spent one year as a visiting researcher at UC/Davis to study advanced transport features for data center networks.  This visit was entirely supported by a competitive research grant funded by Intel Research.  During this time I also initiated a new project on meta-data channel based security in the Internet and was successful in having it funded (along with UC/Davis) by Intel IT-research (different from Intel research). The work on these projects involved close supervision of two Ph.D. students.  I also worked closely with Southern Illinois University and advised a Ph.D. student there on the topic of UWB radio based asset localization in data centers. During this period I also carried out key work in two areas of Internet robustness: impact of large scale failures on the behavior of inter-domain routing via the BGP protocol, and robustness issues associated with plain and secure domain name service (DNS).

1991-1997: Senior Member of Technical Staff;  Engineering, Performance, and Control department,  Telcordia (formerly Bellcore),  Red Bank, NJ. 

R&D Areas: Telecommunications systems cover two major areas of R&D:  operations support system (OSS) and switching systems (SS), and I have extensive experience on both of these sides. On the OSS side, I examined issues relating to automatic provisioning of telephone service which requires interactions with dozens of database systems. I developed both mathematical and simulation models to study completion times for automated provisioning. On the switching side, I examined a variety of issues relating to signaling associated with call management. In particular, I worked extensively on congestion control and link error monitoring in both narrow-band and broadband SS7 (signaling system No. 7) networks. I also examined a variety of engineering issues relating to SS7, personal communication systems (PCS), ISDN, AIN (advanced intelligent network), impact of data connections on voice networks, etc. Much of this work was critical in supporting Bellcore’s generic requirements for US regional telecommunications networks and formed a part of those requirements.  During this time, I published extensively in the areas of congestion control, performance modeling, and error monitoring. During this time I was promoted to grade “H” (or consultant) which was the highest grade in the technical ladder.


1989-1991: Assistant and then tenured Associate Professor of Computer Science at Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA. 

1985-1989: Assistant Professor of Computer Science at Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA. 

Teaching, Research and Funding:  I taught undergraduate courses in operating systems and database systems which routinely enjoyed overflow enrollments and very high student scores.  I also developed and taught graduate courses in several advanced areas including computer system performance modeling, advanced operating systems, distributed systems, and fault-tolerant computing. My primary areas of research were computer system performance modeling and fault tolerant computing, and the research was funded by NSF and DoD.  During this time, I also wrote a highly regarded and comprehensive graduate textbook on mathematical performance modeling (listed above).  I personally established, managed, and supported the first networked laboratory of SUN workstations at Penn State for research and teaching in networked systems. Several students were trained in networking and systems issues on this very early networked system.

1981-1984: Assistant Professor of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Northwestern University, Evanston, IL. 

Teaching/Research: Developed and taught undergraduate courses in several areas including: digital circuits & logic design, compiler design, and operating systems. Designed and delivered graduate courses/seminars in fault-tolerant computing, operating systems, and software engineering. During this time my research was primarily focused on fault-tolerant software design but increasingly was directed towards performance modeling issues.


External Publications (Since 1985):

1.            K. Kant and A. Silberschatz, ``Error Propagation and Recovery in Concurrent Environments'', The Computer Journal, Vol 28, Nov 1985, pp. 466-473.

2.            K. Kant, ``Finding Interference between Rectangular Paths'', IEEE Transactions on Computers, Vol C-34, Nov 1985, pp. 1045-1049.

3.            M.M. Srinivasan and K. Kant, ``The File Allocation Problem: A Queuing Network Modeling Approach'', Computers and Operations Research, Vol 14, May 1987, pp349-361.

4.            K. Kant, ``Software Fault-Tolerance in Real-Time Computing Environments'', Information Sciences, Vol 42, Aug 1987, pp. 255-282.

5.            K. Kant, ``Performance Analysis of Hierarchical Ring Networks'', Proc. of the 12th Conference on Local Area Networks, pp. 95-108, Oct 1987.

6.            K. Kant, ``Modeling Inter-process Communication in Distributed Programs'', Proc. of International Workshop on Petri-Net and Performance Models, Madison, Wisconsin, pp. 75-83, Aug 1987.

7.            K. Kant, ``Application Level Modeling of Parallel Machines'', Proc. of Performance 88, Santa Fe, NM , pp. 83-93, May 1988.

8.            A. Ravichandran and K. Kant, ``Fault Identification in Robust Data Structures'', Proc. of the 19th Fault Tolerant Computing Symposium, Chicago, Illinois, pp. 275-282, June 1989.

9.            M. Ghodsi and K. Kant, ``Performance Modeling of Concurrent Systems under Resource Constraints'', Parallel Computing 1989, pp. 589-594, Elsevier Science publisher.

10.         K. Kant and F.C. Liaw, ``Modeling Parallel Programs Using Dynamic Task Graphs'', Proc. of the first IEEE Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Processing., Dallas, Texas, pp. 90-97, May 1989.

11.         K. Kant, ``Performance Analysis of Real-Time Software Supporting Fault-Tolerant Operation'', IEEE Transactions on Computers, 39(7), pp. 906-918, July 1990.

12.         K. Kant, ``Analysis and Synthesis of Generalized Task Graphs'', Proc. of the 2nd Conf. on Parallel and Distributed Systems, Dallas, Texas, pp. 225-231, Dec 1990.

13.         M. Ghodsi and K. Kant, ``Analysis of Parallel Programs Running on Multiprocessor Systems'', Proc. of Performance 90, Edinburgh, U.K., pp. 407-421, Dec 1990.

14.         M. Ghodsi and K. Kant, ``Performance Analysis of Parallel Search Algorithms on Multiprocessor Systems'', Performance Evaluation, 13(1), pp. 67-83, sept 1991.

15.         M. Ghodsi and K. Kant, ``Well-Formed Generalized Task Graphs'', Proc. of the 3rd Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Systems, Dallas, TX, pp. 344-351, Dec 1991.

16.         K. Kant, ``Analysis of Delayed Repair Policies in Manufacturing Systems'', presented at ORSA-TIMS conference, Nashville, TN, May 1991.

17.         K. Kant, ``MVA Approximation for Shortest-Job-Next Scheduling Discipline'', Performance Evaluation, Vol 14, March 1992.

18.         K. Kant and A. Ravichandran, ``Synthesizing Robust Data Structures: An Introduction'', IEEE Transactions on Computers, 29(2), pp. 161-173, Feb 1990.

19.         K. Kant and A. Ravichandran, ``Synthesizing Robust Data Structures: Formal Approach'', Acta Informatica, 1992.

20.         A. Ravichandran and K. Kant, ``A General Approach to the Identification Compensated Faults in Robust Data Structures'', Information Science, 59(1), pp. 167-187, Jan 1992.

21.         D. Daly, K. Kant, Y-B. Lin, V. Mak, and D. Mok, ``COPS: A Computer Operations Performance Simulation System'', Proc of the 26th Annual Simulation Symposium, Washington D.C., April 1993.

22.         K. Kant, ``Performance of Window Flow-Control Protocol under Errors'', April 1993, Bellcore (Telcordia) technical report.

23.         K. Kant, ``Sustainable CCS Error Rate and its Implications for Error Monitoring'', April 1993, Bellcore (Telcordia) technical report.

24.         K. Kant, ``Evaluation of Error Interval Monitoring Algorithm'', Sept 1993, Bellcore (Telcordia) technical report.

25.         K. Kant, ``Error Monitor Design for High Speed CCS Links'', Sept 1993, Bellcore (Telcordia) technical report.

26.         K. Kant, ``Estimating Transmit Congestion at Changeover Time in CCS Networks'', Sept 1993, Bellcore (Telcordia) technical report.

27.         V.T. Hou, K. Kant, V. Ramaswami and J.L. Wang, ``Error Monitoring Issues for Common Channel Signalling'', IEEE Journal of Selected Areas in Communications, vol 12, no 3, April 1994, pp 456-467.

28.         K. Kant, ``Performance of Internal Overload Controls in Large Switches'',  Proc. of the 28th Annual Simulation Conference, Phoenix, AZ, April 1995, pp 228-237.

29.         K. Kant, ``Broadband IN Signaling and Control Architectures and Comparison with Industry directions'', Bellcore TR-3745, Nov 1995.

30.         K. Kant, ``Analysis of Delay Performance of ATM Signaling Links'', Proc of INFOCOM 95, Boston, MA, April 1995, pp 1146-1153.

31.         K. Kant, ``Generic Requirements for CCS Nodes Supporting ATM High-Speed Signalling Links'', GR-2878-CORE, Bellcore, Oct 1995.

32.         K. Kant, ``Analytic Modeling of SSCOP'', Proc of 3rd International conference on Telecommunication Systems, Nashville, TN, Feb 1995, 469-482.

33.         K. Kant and J.R. Dobbins, ``An Error Monitoring Algorithm for ATM Signaling Links'', Proc of the Sixth IFIP Conference on Performance of Computer Networks, Istanbul, Turkey, Oct 1995, pp 367-381.

34.         K. Kant, ``A Simulation Study of BISUP Congestion Control Issues'', Dec 1995, Bellcore (Telcordia) technical report.

35.         K. Kant, ``Flow Control Mechanisms for SAAL Links'', Proc of International IFIP-IEEE Conference on Broadband Communications, Montreal, Canada, April 1996, pp 173-184.

36.         K. Kant, ``A Study of BISUP Call Processing Delay Objectives'', Proc of Globecom 96, London, UK, pp 1400-1404, Nov 1996.

37.         K. Kant, ``A unified Global Congestion Control Strategy for Broadband Signaling Networks'', Jan 1997, accepted for ATM’97 international conference.

38.         K. Kant, ``Flow Control issues in ATM Signaling Link Deployment'' , Proc. of the 15th International Teletraffic Congress, Washington DC, pp 1219-1228, June 1997.

39.         K. Kant and L. Ong, ``Signaling in Emerging Telecommunications and Data Networks'' , (Invited Article), Proc. of IEEE, Oct 1997, pp1612-1621.  (Abstract only; full paper available from IEEE digital library).

40.         K. Kant and Y. Won, ``Server Capacity Planning for Web Traffic Workload'' , IEEE Transactions trans. on Knowledge and Data Engineering, Oct 1999, pp 731-747.

41.         K. Kant, ``On Aggregate Traffic Generation with Multifractal Properties'' , Proc. of GLOBECOM99, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, pp 1179-1183. (The link points to expanded version of the paper)

42.         K. Kant and Y. Won, ``Performance Impact of Uncached File Accesses in SPECweb99'' , Proc. of the 2nd IEEE Workshop on workload characterization, Austin TX, Oct 1999. (Published by Kluver).

43.         P. Mohapatra, H. Thantry and K. Kant, “Characterization of bus transactions for SPECweb96 benchmark” , Proc. of the 2nd IEEE Workshop on workload characterization, Austin TX, Oct 1999. (Published by Kluver).

44.         K. Kant and C.R.M. Sundaram, ``A Server Performance Model for Static Web Workloads'' , Proc.  of International Symposium on Performance Analysis of Systems and Software (ISPASS 2000), April 2000.

45.         K. Kant, R. Iyer and P. Mohapatra, ``Architectural Impact of Secure Socket Layer on Internet Servers'' , Proc. of International Conference on Computer Design (ICCD 2000), Sept 2000, pp 7-14.

46.         V. Tewari, R. Iyer, and K. Kant, “Overload Control Mechanisms for Web Servers”, Performance and QoS of Next Generation Networks, Nagoya, Japan, Nov 2000, pp 225-244

47.         K. Kant and P. Mohapatra, “Scalable Internet Servers: Issues and Challenges ”, PAWS-2000 proceedings, Aug 2000.

48.         U. Vallemselty, P. Mohapatra, R. Iyer and K. Kant, "Improving Cache Performance of Network Intensive Workloads" , Proc. of International Conference on Parallel Processing, Aug 2001.

49.         K. Kant and P. Mohapatra, “Current Research Trends in Internet Servers” , PAWS-2001 proceedings (Performance Evaluation Reviews, Vol. 29, no 2), Sept 2001, pp 5-7.

50.         K. Kant, V. Tewari, and R. Iyer, “Geist: A generator of e-commerce and internet server traffic”,  Proc. of ISPASS 2001 , Nov 2001, pp 49-56.

51.         K. Kant and R. Iyer, “Compressibility Characteristics of Address/Data transfers in Commercial Workloads ”, CAECW (Computer Architecture Evaluation using Commercial Workloads), Cambridge, MA, Feb 2002.

52.         K. Kant, V. Tewari and R. Iyer, “Performance Issues in Peer to peer file sharing ”, Tutorial presented at Tools 2002 conference, London, UK, April 2002.

53.         K. Kant, R. Iyer and V. Tewari, “A performance model for peer to peer file-sharing services”,  WWW-11 poster session (May 2002).

54.         K. Kant, R. Iyer and V. Tewari, “A framework for classifying peer-to-peer Technologies” , Proc. of the 2nd IEEE/ACM Intl. Symposium on Cluster Computing and the Grid, May 21-26, 2002, Berlin, Germany.

55.         K. Kant and M. Venkatachalam, “Modeling traffic nonstationarity in e-commerce servers” , Proc. of SPECTS 2002, San Deigo, CA, July 2002, pp 949-956.

56.         K. Kant and M. Venkatachalam, “Transactional Characterization of Front-end e-commerce Traffic”, Proc. of GLOBECOM 2002, Taipei, Taiwan, Nov 2002.

57.         K. Kant, “An Evaluation of Memory Compression Alternatives”, Proc. of CAECW  (Computer Architecture Evaluation using Commercial Workloads), Feb 2003, Anaheim, CA.

58.         K. Kant, “An Analytic Model for Peer to Peer File Sharing Networks”, Proc. of International Communications Conference, May 2003, Anchorage, AL.

59.         U. Vallemsetty, K. Kant and P. Mohapatra, “Characterization of E-commerce Traffic”, Journal of Electronic Commerce Research, No 3, 2003, pp167-192.

60.         K. Kant, R. Iyer and V. Tewari, “Building Scalable Ad-hoc Collaboration Networks”, a tutorial presented at GLOBECOM, Dec 2003, San Francisco, CA.

61.         K. Kant and R. Iyer, “Modeling and Simulation of Ad-hoc/P2P File-sharing Networks ”, Proc. of Tools 2003 (tool presentation).

62.         K. Kant and R. Iyer, “Design and Performance of Compressed Interconnects”, Proc. of ICCD 2003, Oct 2003, San Francisco, CA.

63.         K. Kant, “TCP offload performance for front-end servers ”, Proc. of GLOBECOM 2003, Dec 2003, San Francisco, CA.

64.         K. Kant and N. Jani, “SCTP performance in Data Center Environments”, Proc. of SPECTS, July 2005, Philadelphia, PA.

65.         K. Kant and A. Sahoo, “Clustered DBMS Scalability under Unified Ethernet Fabric”, Proc. of ICPP, May 2005, Oslo, Norway

66.         K. Kant, A. Sahoo and N. Jani, “DCLUE: A Distributed Cluster Emulator”, IEICE Transactions, Special Issue on Parallel/Distributed Computing and Networking, 2006. Also appears in Proc. of 2005 Opnetwork, Washington DC, Aug 2005.

67.         K. Kant and R. Ramanujan, “Transport Layer Enhancements for Unified Ethernet in Data Centers”, Intel IDF presentation, San Francisco, CA, Aug 2005.

68.         K. Kant, “Application Centric Autonomic BW Control in Utility Computing”, Proc. of the  Sixth IEEE/ACM Workshop on Grid Computing, Seattle, WA, Nov 2005.

69.         L. Yuan, K.  Kant, P. Mohapatra and C.N. Chuah, “DoX: Domain Name Cross Checking: An Antidote for DNS Cache Poisoning”, Proc. of International Conference on Communications (ICC) , Istanbul , June 2006.

70.         A. Sahoo, K.  Kant, and P. Mohapatra, “Characterization of BGP recovery time under massive internet failures”, Proc. of International Conference on Communications (ICC) , Istanbul , May 2006.

71.         A. Sahoo, K.  Kant, and P. Mohapatra, “Improving BGP Convergence Delay for Large Scale Failures”, Proc. of Dependable Systems and Networks (DSN), June 2006.

72.         A. Sahoo, K. Kant, P. Mohapatra, “Speculative Route Invalidation to Improve Performance of BGP under Large Scale Failures”, Proc. of International Conference on Computers and Communications Networks (ICCCN), Washington DC, Oct 2006

73.         K.  Kant, “Virtual Link: An Enabler of Enterprise Utility Computing”, Proc. of International Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Processing and Applications (ISPA), Sorrento, Italy, Dec 2006.

74.         L. Yuan, K. Kant, P. Mohapatra, C. Nee, “A Proxy View of Quality of Domain Name Service”, Proc. of INFOCOM 2007, Anchorage, Alaska, April 2007.

75.         A. Sahoo, K. Kant, P. Mohapatra, “Improving Packet Delivery Performance of BGP During Large-Scale Failures", Proc. of GLOBECOM 2007, Nov 2007, Washington DC.

76.         N. Udar, K. Kant, R. Viswanathan, D. Cheung, "Characterization of Ultra Wide Band Communications in Data Center Environments",  Proc. of 2007 IEEE International Conference on Ultra-wideband (ICUWB), Singapore, Sept 2007, (a poster version also appeared in Proc. of IFIP Networking 2007.)

77.         K. Kant, “Towards a Virtualized Data Center Transport Protocol”, Proc. of 2008 INFOCOM workshop on High Speed Networks, Phoenix, AZ, April 2008,

78.         K. Kant, ``LMPOWER -- A Comprehensive Link-Memory Power Management Simulator'' , Unpublished report, Intel Corp, May 2008.

79.         N. Udar, K. Kant, R. Viswanathan, "Localization of Servers in a Data Center Using Ultra wideband Radios", Proc. of IFIP Networking 2008, Singapore, May 5-9, 2008.

80.         K. Kant and J. Alexander, “Proactive vs. Reactive Idle Power Control ”, Proc. of Design and Test Technology Conference (DTTC), Portland, OR, Aug 2008.

81.         K. Kant, N. Udar, R. Viswanathan, “Enabling Location Based Services in Data Centers via Wireless USB Radios”, Proc. of IEEE International Conference on Ultra-wideband, Hanover, Germany, Sept 2008.

82.         K. Kant, N. Udar, R. Viswanathan, “Localization and Location Based Services in Data Centers", IEEE Network magazine, Nov 2008.

83.         K. Kant, “Surviving Large Scale Internet Outages”, A Tutorial given at International Conf. on Distributed Computing and Networks (ICDCN), Hyderabad, India, Jan 2009.

84.         K. Kant, “Power Control of High Speed Network Interconnects in Data Centers”, Proc. of 2009 INFOCOM High speed networks symposium, Rio de Janerio, Brazil, April 2009

85.         A. Sahoo, K. Kant, P. Mohapatra, “BGP Convergence Delay under Large-Scale Failures: Characterization and Solutions”, Computer Communications, Vol 32, No 7, May 2009, pp1207-1218.

86.         K. Kant, “Challenges in Distributed Energy Adaptive Computing”, Proc. of ACM HotMetrics, Seattle, WA, June 2009

87.         K. Kant, “Toward a Science of Power Management”, IEEE Computer, Sept 2009.

88.         K. Kant, "Data Center Evolution: A Tutorial on State of the Art, Issues, and Challenges", Elsevier Computer Networks Journal, Dec 2009.

89.         C. Deccio, C. C. Chen, J. Sedayao, K. Kant , and P. Mohapatra, "Quality of Name. Resolution in Domain Name System ," Proc. of IEEE ICNP 2009, Princeton, NJ, Oct 2009,

90.         C. Deccio, J. Sedayao, K. Kant , and P. Mohapatra, "Measuring Availability in the Domain Name System”, Proc. of INFOCOM 2010, San Diego, CA, April 2010,

91.         K. Kant, “Distributed Energy Adaptive Computing”, Proc. of International Conference on Communications (ICC), Cape Town, South Africa, June 2010.

92.         K. Kant, "Supply and Demand Coordination in Energy Adaptive Computing", Invited paper for ICCCN, Zurich, Switzerland, Aug 2010.

93.         K. Kant, “Multistate Power Management of Communication Links”, Proc. of COMSNET 2011, Bangalore, India, Jan 2011

94.         C. Deccio, J. Sedayao, K. Kant, and P. Mohapatra, "A Case for Comprehensive DNSSEC Monitoring and Analysis Tools",  Proc. of SATIN (Securing and Trusting Internet Names) 2011, Teddington, UK, April 2011,

95.         K. Kant, M. Murugan and D. Du, “Willow: A Control System for Energy and Thermal Adaptive Computing”, Proc. of IPDPS 2011, Anchorage, AL, May 2011.

96.         K. Kant, “A Control Scheme for Batching DRAM Requests to Improve Power Efficiency”, Proc. of ACM Sigmetrics 2011, San Jose, CA, June 2011.

97.         K. Kant and D. Du, “Sustainability and Energy Efficiency in Data Centers Design and Operation”, International Supercomputing (ISC) 2011 Tutorial.

98.         M. Le, K. Kant and S. Jajodia, "Cooperative Data Access in Multi-cloud Environments", Proc. of Database Security Symposium (DBSec), Richmond, VA, July 2011

99.         C. Deccio, J. Sedayao, K. Kant, and P. Mohapatra, “Quality of Name Resolution in the Domain Name System”, Proc. of ICCCN 2011,  Maui, Hawaii, Aug 2011,

100.      K. Kant and P. Drineas, “Opportunities for CISE Researchers in Sustainability”, Presentation at NSF, Oct 2011.

101.      K. Kant, M. Le, and S. Jajodia, "Security Considerations in Data Center Configuration Management", Proc. of SafeConfig 2011, Nov 2011, Washington, DC.

102.      K. Kant, “Configuration Management Security in Data Center Environments”, Invited chapter in Moving Target Defense: Creating Asymmetric Uncertainty for Cyberthreats, Eds. S. Jajodia, A. Ghosh, V. Swarup, C. Wang, X. Wang, Springer, Dec 2011. 

103.      K. Kant, “Energy Adaptive Computing -- A New Paradigm for Sustainable Computing”, Invited chapter in Handbook of Energy Aware and Green Computing, Eds. S. Ranka & I. Ahmed, Jan 2012.

104.      K. Kant and C. Deccio, “Security and Robustness in the Internet Infrastructure”, in Handbook on securing cyber-physical systems, Morgan Kaufman, S. Das, K. Kant, N. Zhang (eds.), Dec 2012,

105.      C. Deccio, J. Sedayao, K. Kant, and P. Mohapatra, “Quantifying DNS Namespace Influence”, Elsevier Computer Networks, Volume 56, Issue 2, Feb. 2012. pp. 780 – 794,

106.      M. Murugan, David H.C. Du and K. Kant, "On the Interconnect Energy Efficiency of High End Computing Systems", Sustainable Computing: Informatics and Systems, Elsevier Press, April 2012.

107.      K. Kant, “Human Behavior Considerations in Metrics for Smart Infrastructures”, Proc. of SMART 2012, Stuttgart, Germany, May 2012.

108.      K. Kant, M. Murugan, D. Du, Energy Adaptation for Multi-tiered Data Center Applications”, Intel Technology Journal, Vol 16, No 1, Sept 2012.

109.      K. Kant, M. Murugan, D. Du, “Enhancing Data Center Sustainability Through Energy Adaptive Computing”, ACM Journal of Emerging Technologies in Computing Systems, Vol 8, No 4, Oct 2012.

110.      M. Raj, K. Kant and S.K. Das, "Energy Adaptive Mechanism for P2P File Sharing Protocols", Proc. of CWGS workshop at EUROPAR conference, Rhode Island, Greece, Aug 2012

111.      K. Kant, R. Iyer and P. Mohapatra, ``Architectural Impact of Secure Socket Layer on Internet Servers: A Retrospect'', International Conference on Computer Design (ICCD), Oct 2012, 30th Anniversary presentation. (One of 5 high impact papers selected from last 30 years of ICCD).

112.      S. Prasad, A. Gupta, K. Kant, et al, “Literacy for All in Parallel and Distributed Computing: Guidelines for an Undergraduate Core Curriculum”, CSI Journal of computing, Vol 1, No 2, 2012

113.      M. Le, K. Kant and S. Jajodia, "Consistent Query Plan Generation in Secure Cooperative Data Access", Proc. of SafeConfig 2012, Baltimore, MD, Oct 3-4, 2012.

114.      M. Le, K. Kant and S. Jajodia, "Access Rule Consistency in Cooperative Data Access Environment”, Proc. of CollaborateCom conference, Oct 15-17, 2012, Pittsburgh, PA.

115.      C.C. Chen, P. Mohapatra, C.N. Chuah and K. Kant, “A Proxy View of Quality of Domain Name Service, Poisoning Attacks and Survival Strategies”, ACM Transactions on Internet Technology (TOIT), Vol 12, No 3, May, 2013.

116.      M. Le, K. Kant, and S. Jajodia, “Rule enforcement with third parties in secure cooperative data access”, Proc. of DBsec 2013, Newark, NJ,  Wang and B. Shafiq (Eds.): LNCS 7964, pp. 282–288, July 2013.

117.      K. Kant, “Sustainability Issues in Digital Preservation”, Presentation at National Endowment for Arts workshop on Digital Preservation, Alexandria, VA, July 2013.

118.      Lihua Yuan, Chao-Chih Chen, Prasant Mohapatra, Chen-Nee Chuah, and Krishna Kant. 2013. A Proxy View of Quality of Domain Name Service, Poisoning Attacks and Survival Strategies. ACM Trans. Internet Technol. 12, 3, Article 9 (May 2013)

119.      M. Le, K. Kant, and S. Jajodia, “Enabling Collaborative Data Authorization Between Enterprise Clouds”, Book chapter in Secure Cloud Computing, Eds. S. Jajodia, K. Kant, P. Samarati,, Springer, publication date: Feb 2014.

120.      M. Le, K. Kant and S. Jajodia, "Consistency and Enforcement of Access Rules in Cooperative Data Sharing Environment ”, Elsevier Computers and Security (COSE) Journal, Vol 41 (March 2014), pp 3-18.

121.      M. Le, Krishna Kant, and Sushil Jajodia, “Consistent Query Plan Generation in Secure Cooperative Data Access”, Proc. of DBSec, Vienna, Austria, July 2014.

122.      M. Raj, K. Kant, S.K. Das, “E-DARWIN: Energy Adaptive Disaster Recovery Network Using WiFi Tethering”, proc. of ICCCN 2014, Shanghai, Aug 2014

123.      M. Murugan, K. Kant, D. Du, and A. Raghavan, “Group based energy adaptation for storage systems”, Proc. of Feedback Computing”, 9th Intl workshop on Feedback Computing, Usenix 2014, Philadelphia, PA, June 2014

124.      M. Murugan, K. Kant, D. Du, and A. Raghavan, “FlexStore: A flexible and Adaptive Storage Framework for Deduplicated Virtual Disks”, Proc. of MASCOTS, Paris, France, Sept 2014.

125.      J. Gim, Y. Won, T. Hwang and K. Kant, "SmartCon: Smart Context Switching for Fast Block Devices", ACM transactions on Storage, Vol 11, Issue 2, March 2015 .

126.      M. Le, K. Kant, M. Athamnah, and S. Jajodia, “Minimum Cost Rule Enforcement for Cooperative DataBase Access”, Journal of Computer Security 24 (2016) pp379–403

127.      Amitangshu Pal and K. Kant, “Water Flow Driven Sensor Networks for Leakage and Contamination Monitoring”, Proc. of WoWMoM, Boston, MA, June 2015

128.      Amitangshu Pal and K. Kant, “Collaborative Heterogeneous Sensing: An Application to Contamination Detection in Water Distribution Networks”, Invited paper at ICCCN 2015, Las Vegas, NV, July 2015

129.      Amitangshu Pal and K. Kant, “RODA: A Reconfigurable Optical Data Center Network Architecture”, Proc. of LCN 2015, Clearwater Beach, FL, Oct 2015.

130.      Amitangshu Pal and K. Kant, “SmartPorter: A Combined Perishable Food and People Transport Architecture in Smart Urban Areas”, Proc. of SMARTCOMP, St. Louis, MO, May 2016.

131.      K. Kant and Amitangshu Pal, “Networking in Real World: Unified Modeling of Information and Perishable Commodity Distribution Networks”, Proc. of 3rd International Physical Internet Conference (IPIC), Atlanta, GA, June 2016.

132.      Amitangshu Pal and K. Kant, “F2π: A Physical Internet Architecture for Fresh Food Distribution Networks”, Proc. of 3rd International Physical Internet Conference (IPIC), Atlanta, GA, June 2016.

133.      Ibrahim El-Shekeil, Amitangshu Pal and K. Kant, “IP Address Consolidation and Reconfiguration In Enterprise Networks”, Invited paper in ICCCN 2016, Kona, Hawaii, Aug 2016.

134.      Amitangshu Pal and K. Kant, “On the Feasibility of Distributed Sampling Rate Adaptation in Heterogeneous and Collaborative Wireless Sensor Networks”, Proc. of ICCCN 2016, Kona, Hawaii, Aug 2016

135.      Ibrahim El-Shekeil, Amitangshu Pal and K. Kant, “Progressive Recovery of Interdependent Services in Enterprise Data Centers”, Proc. of Resilience Week Communications Symposium, Chicago, IL, Aug 2016.

136.      M. Athamnah and K. Kant, “Generalized Inter-Cloud Structured Data Sharing”, Proc. of CLOUDCOM, Luxembourg, Dec 2016, pp 198 - 205

137.      A. Alazzawe and K. Kant, “Power-Aware Program Resilience Through Slicing”, Proc. of HPCC (High Performance Computing & Communications), Sydney, Australia, Dec 2016.

138.      Amitangshu Pal and K. Kant, “Internet of Perishable Logistics”, IEEE Internet Computing, Vol 21, Issue 1, Feb 2017,

139.      Yilang Wu, K. Kant, Shanshan Zhang, Amitangshu Pal, Junbo Wang, “Disaster Network Evolution Using Dynamic Clustering of Twitter Data”, Proc. of US-Japan workshop at ICDCS conference, Atlanta, GA, June 2017,

140.      Amitangshu Pal and K. Kant, “A Food Transportation Framework for an Efficient and Worker-friendly Fresh Food Physical Internet”, MDPI Logistics J., Vol 10, No 1, Dec 2017,

141.      Dusan Ramljak and K. Kant, “Belief-Based Storage Systems”, 9th USENIX Workshop on Hot Topics in Storage and File Systems (HotStorage 17), Santa Clara, CA, July 2017,

142.      A. Jolfaei and K. Kant, “Integrity Protection in Smart Grid: A Lightweight Solution for Communications in Transmission and Distribution Substations”, Proc. of 14th Intl. conference on Security and Cryptography (SECRYPT), Madrid, Spain, July 2017.

143.      Amitangshu Pal and K. Kant, “NACID: A Neighborhood Aware Caching and Interest Dissemination in Content Centric Networks”, Proc. of ICCCN, Vancouver, BC, Aug 2017,

144.      Amitangshu Pal and K. Kant, “Magnetic Induction Based Sensing and Localization for Fresh Food Logistics”, Proc. of Local Computer Networks (LCN), Singapore, Oct 2017,

145.      Sanjeev Sondur, Madhurima Ray, Joyanta Biswas, K. Kant, “Implementing Data Center Network Energy Management Capabilities in NS3”, Proc. of International Green and Sustainable Computing (IGSC), Orlando, FL, Oct 2017,

146.      A. Alazzawe and K. Kant, “Slice Swarms for HPC Application Resilience”, Proc. of CANDAR, Aomori, Japan, Nov 2017,

147.      M. Athamnah, A. Alazzawe, and K. Kant, “Collaborative Similarity Search Across Multi-party Repositories”, Proc. of ICDCN, Varanasi, India, Jan 2018,

148.      M. Ray, S. Sondur, J. Biswas, A. Pal and K. Kant, “Opportunistic Power Savings with Coordinated Control in Data Center Networks”, Proc. of ICDCN, Varanasi, India, Jan 2018,

149.      D. Ramljak, A. Pal, and K. Kant, “Pattern Mining Based Compression of IoT Data”, Proc. of ICDCN (Int. conf on distributed systems and networks) workshop on Smart and Connected Communities (SCC), Varanasi, India, Jan 2018,

150.      Amitangshu Pal and K. Kant, “E-Darwin2: A Smartphone Based Disaster Recovery Network using WiFi Tethering”, Proc. of CCNC, Las Vegas, Jan 2018.

151.      Amitangshu Pal and K. Kant, “IoT-Based Sensing and Communication Infrastructure for the Fresh Food Supply Chain”, IEEE Computer, Feb 2018,

152.      Ibrahim El-Shekeil, Amitangshu Pal, K. Kant, “PRECESION: Progressive recovery and restoration planning of interdependent services in enterprise data centers”, Elsevier Digital Communications and Networks, Volume 4, Issue 1, March 2018, Pages 39-47,

153.      D. Ramljak, D. Abraham, K. Kant, D. Voigt, “BeliefCache: Belief-Based Data Pre-fetching and Replacement in Storage Systems”, Proc. of Edge Computing (EDGE 2018), Seattle, WA, June 2018,

154.      M. Athamnah and K. Kant, “A Framework for Misconfiguration Diagnosis in Interconnected Multiparty Systems”, Proc. of ICCCN, Hangzhou, China, Aug 2018,

155.      K. Kant, Energy Efficiency Issues in Computing Systems, Chapter 5 in CDER book: Topics in Parallel and Distributed Computing, Sept 2018,

156.      A. Jolfaei and K. Kant, “A Lightweight Integrity Protection Scheme for Fast Communications in Smart Grid”, Computers and Security Journal (COSE), Oct 2018, 

157.      Shanshan Zhang, Amitangshu Pal, Krishna Kant and Slobodan Vucetic, “Enhancing Disaster Situational Awareness via Automated Summary Dissemination of Social Media Content, Proc. of GLOBECOM, Abu Dhabi, Dec 2018,

158.      Ibrahim El-Shekeil, Amitangshu Pal, and Krishna Kant, “CloudMiner: A Systematic Failure Diagnosis Framework in Enterprise Cloud Environments”, Proc of IEEE CloudCom, Nicosia, Cypress, Dec 2018,

159.      Yilang Wu, Amitangshu Pal, Junbo Wang and K. Kant, “Incremental Spatial Clustering for Spatial Big Crowd Data in Evolving Disaster Scenario”, Proc. of IEEE Consumer Communications and Networking, Jan 2019,

160.      Amitangshu Pal and Krishna Kant, “Internet of Perishable Logistics: Building Smart Fresh Food Supply Chain Networks”, IEEE Access, Jan 2019,

161.      A. Jolfaei and K. Kant, “Data Security in Multiparty Edge Computing Environments”, Invited paper at GOMACTECH 2019, Albuquerque, NM, March 2019.

162.      A. Al-Farooq and E. Al-Shaer and K. Kant, “A Formal Method for Detecting Rule Conflicts in Large Scale IoT Systems”, Proc. of IM 2019 : IFIP/IEEE International Symposium on Integrated Network Management, April, 2019,

163.      Rajpreet Kaur Gulati, Amitangshu Pal and Krishna Kant, “Experimental Evaluation of a Near-Field Magnetic Induction Based Communication System”, Proc. of IEEE WCNC (Wireless Communications and Networking Conference), April 2019, Marrakesh, Morocco,

164.      J. Biswas, M. Ray, A. Pal and K. Kant, “Coordinated Power Management in Data Center Networks”, Elsevier Suscom Journal, Vol 22, June 2019,

165.      Sanjeev Sondur and Krishna Kant, “Towards Automated Configuration of Cloud Storage Gateways: A data driven approach”, Proc. of Cloud 2019, San Diego, CA, June 2019,

166.      Amitangshu Pal, Rajpreet Kaur Gulati and Krishna Kant, “Towards Building Low Power Magnetic Communication Protocols for Challenging Environments”, Proc. of ICCCN, Valencia, Spain, Aug 2019,

167.      M. Murugan, K. Kant, A. Raghavan, D. Du, “Software Defined Energy Adaptation in Scale-Out Storage Systems”, Future Generation Computer Systems (FGCS), . Volume 97, Pages 340-354, August 2019,

168.      Alireza Jolfaei, Krishna Kant and Hassan Shafei, “Secure Data Streaming to Untrusted Road Side Units in Intelligent Transportation System”, Proc. of Intl workshop on Safety, Security, and Trust in Intelligent Transportation System (SST-ITS), IEEE TrustCom, Rotorua, NZ, Aug 2019,

169.      Madhurima Ray, Joyanta Biswas, Amitangshu Pal, Krishna Kant, “Adaptive Data Center Network Traffic Management for Distributed High Speed Storage”, Proc. of LCN, Osnabruck, Germany, Oct 2019,

170.      Anis Alazzawe and Krishna Kant, “Mimic: Fast Recovery From Latent Errors in Stencil Computations”, Proc. of IPCCC 2019, London UK, Oct 2019,

171.      Lu Pang, Anis Alazzawe, Krishna Kant, Jeremy Swift, “Data Heat Prediction in Storage Systems Using Behavior Specific Prediction Models”, Proc. of IPCCC 2019, London UK, Oct 2019,

172.      Amitangshu Pal and K. Kant, “Water Flow Driven Sensor Networks for Leakage and Contamination Monitoring in Distribution Pipelines, ACM Transactions on Sensor Networks (TOSN), Vol 15, No 4, Oct 2019,

173.      Sanjeev Sondur, Krishna Kant, Slobodan Vucetic, “Storage on the Edge: Evaluating Cloud Backed Edge Storage in Cyber-physical Systems”, Proc. of IEEE MASS, Monterrey, CA, Nov 2019,

174.      Amitangshu Pal and Krishna Kant, “Using Blockchain for Provenance and Traceability in Internet of Things Integrated Food Logistics”, IEEE Computer, Vol 52, No. 12, Dec 2019,

175.      Amitangshu Pal and Krishna Kant. 2020. Smart Sensing, Communication, and Control in Perishable Food Supply Chain. ACM Trans. Sensor Networks, Vol 16, No 1, (Feb 2020), 41 pages.

176.      Amitangshu Pal, Mayank Raj, Krishna Kant and Sajal Das, “A Smartphone based Network Architecture for Post-Disaster Operations using WiFi Tethering”, ACM trans. On Internet Technology (TOIT), Vol 20, No 1, Feb 2020,

177.      Sanjeev Sondur, Girisha Shankar and Krishna Kant, “CHeSS: A Configuration Health Scoring System and Its Application to Network Devices”, Proc.  23rd Conference on Innovation in Clouds, Internet and Networks and Workshops (ICIN), Feb 2020, pp. 250-257, 

178.      K. Kant, “Advanced Persistent Threats in Autonomous Driving”, ACM Performance Evaluation Review, Vol 47, No 4, April 2020.

179.      Madhurima Ray, Peng Li, Krishna Kant, and Sanjeev Trika, “FlashKey: A High-Performance Flash Friendly Key-Value Store”, Proc. of IPDPS, New Orleans, LA, May 2020.

180.      Sanjeev Sondur, Kenny Gross, and K. Kant, “Thermo-Mechanical Coupling Induced Performance Degradation in Storage Systems”, Proc. of Intl. Conference on Cluster and Grid Computing (CCGrid) 2020, Melbourne, Australia, May 2020.

181.      Tanaya Roy and Krishna Kant, “Enhancing Endurance of SSD Based high-performance Storage Systems using Emerging NVM Technologies”, High Performance Systems Workshop, IPDPS, New Orleans, May 2020.

182.      M. Usman, A. Jolfaei, I. Gondal and K. Kant, "Guest Editorial: Security, Reliability, Privacy, and Quality in Industrial Automation and Control," in IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, vol. 56, no. 4, pp. 4378-4380, July-Aug. 2020, doi: 10.1109/TIA.2020.2992575.

183.      Jolfaei and K. Kant, “On the Silent Perturbation of State Estimation in Smart Grid”, IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, Vol 56, No 4, July-Aug. 2020,

184.      Amitangshu Pal, Alireza Jolfaei, Krishna Kant, “A Fast Prekeying Based Integrity Protection for Smart Grid Communications", IEEE trans. on Industrial Informatics, Oct 2020,

185.      A. Pal and K. Kant, “NFMI: Near Field Magnetic Induction Based Communication”, Elsevier Computer Networks Journal, Vol 181, Nov 2020,

186.      Alazzawe and A. Pal and K. Kant, “Efficient Big-Data Access: Taxonomy and a Comprehensive Survey”, IEEE trans. on Bigdata, Nov 2020,

187.      J. Gupta, K. Kant and A. Abouelwafa, “FussyCache: A Caching Mechanism for Emerging Storage Hierarchies”, Proc. of IEEE CloudCom Conf., Dec 2020,

188.      Sanjeev Sondur, Krishna Kant and Anis Alazzawe, “Optimal Configuration of High-Performance Systems”, Proc. of HPCS conference, March 2021.

189.      Pavana Pradeep, Amitangshu Pal and Krishna Kant, “Resource Efficient Edge Computing Infrastructure for Video Surveillance”, IEEE trans on sustainable computing, March 2021,

190.      A. Pal and K. Kant, “A Neighborhood Aware Caching and Interest Dissemination Scheme for Content Centric Networks”, IEEE Trans on Network and Service Management (TNSM), May 2021,

191.      A. Pal and K. Kant, “DC-PoET: Proof-of-Elapsed-Time Consensus with Distributed Coordination for Blockchain Networks”, Proc. of IFIP Networking Conference, May 2021,

192.      Pavana Pradeep, Amitangshu Pal, Krishna Kant, “Automating Conflict Detection and Mitigation in Large-Scale IoT Systems”, Proc. of CCGrid Conference, May 2021,

193.      Jolfaei, M. A. Jan, K. Kant and M. Usman, "Guest Editorial: Configuration Security for Industrial Automation and Control Systems," in IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, vol. 17, no. 6, pp. 4206-4209, June 2021,

194.      Jolfaei, N. Kumar, M. Chen and K. Kant, "Guest Editorial Introduction to the Special Issue on Deep Learning Models for Safe and Secure Intelligent Transportation Systems," in IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, vol. 22, no. 7, pp. 4224-4229, July 2021,

195.      J. Biswas, J. Gupta, K. Kant, A. Pal and D. Minturn, “Provisioning Differentiated QoS for NVMe over Fabrics”, Proc. of IEEE Local Computer Network (LCN), Oct 2021,

196.      T. Roy, J. Gupta, K. Kant, A. Pal, D. Minturn, A. Tavvakol, “Managing SSD tail latency with PLM”, Proc. of IEEE Networking, Architecture, and Storage (NAS) Conference, Oct 2021,

197.      Tanaya Roy, Jit Gupta, Krishna Kant, Amitangshu Pal and Dave Minturn, “PLMLight: Emulating Predictable Latency Mode in Regular SSDs”, Proc. of IEEE Network Computing and Applications (NCA) conference, Nov 2021,

198.      Rajpreet K Gulati, Sayemul Islam, Amitangshu Pal, Krishna Kant, Albert Kim, “Characterization of Magnetic Communication Through Human Body”, Proc. of IEEE Consumer Communications and Networking Conference (CCNC), Jan 2022.

199.      Sanjeev Sondur and Krishna Kant, “Performance Health Index for Complex Cyber Infrastructures”, ACM transactions on Modeling and Performance Evaluation of Computer Systems, vol 7, No 1, March 2022

200.      Amitangshu Pal, Junbo Wang, Yilang Wu, Krishna Kant, Zhi Liu, Sato Kento “Social Media Driven Big Data Analysis for Disaster Situation Awareness: A Tutorial”, IEEE transactions on Big Data, March 2022,

201.      J. Wang, A. Pal, K. Zhu, K. Kant, W. Chen and S. Guo, “Collaborative Machine Learning: Schemes, Robustness and Privacy “, IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems, May 2022,

202.      Rajpreet Gulati, Krishna Kant and Amitangshu Pal, “Ultrasonic vs. Magnetic resonance communication for Mixed Wearable and Implanted Devices”, Proc of IEEE Internal Conf. on Communications (ICC), May 2022,

203.      Pavana Pradeep and Krishna Kant and Amitanghsu Pal, “Managing Access Control in Large-Scale Multi-party IoT Systems”, Proc. of IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Cluster Computing and the Grid (CCGRID), May 2022,

204.      Sayemul Islam, Rajpreet Kaur Gulati, Michael Domic, Amitangshu Pal, Krishna Kant, Albert Kim, “Performance Evaluation of Magnetic Resonance Coupling Method for Intra-Body Network (IBNet)”, IEEE transactions on Biomedical Engineering, June 2022,

205.      Pavana Pradeep and Krishna Kant, “Conflict Detection and Resolution in IoT Systems: A Survey”, MDPI IoT Journal,  2022, 3(1), 191-218;

206.      Negar Mohammadi and Sanjeev Sondur and Krishna Kant, “Automated Configuration for Agile Software Environments”, Proc. of IEEE Cloud Conference, July 2022,

207.      Amitangshu Pal and Krishna Kant, “MagLoc: A Magnetic Induction Based Localization Scheme for Fresh Food Logistics”, Elsevier IoT Journal, Vol 19, Aug 2022,  

208.      P. Pradeep, K. Kant, A. Pal, “C-FAR: A Compositional Framework for Anomaly Resolution in Intelligent Transportation Systems”, IEEE transactions on Intelligent transportation systems, Aug 2022,

209.      Lu Pang and Krishna Kant, “SIST: A Similarity Index for Storage Traffic”, Proc. of IEEE Networking, Architecture, and Storage (NAS)  confernce, Oct 2022,

210.      Lu Pang, Anis Alazzawe, Madhurima Ray, Krishna Kant, Jeremy Swift, “Adaptive Intelligent Tiering for Modern Storage Systems”, Elsevier Performance Journal, Vol 160, May 2023,

211.      Pavana Pradeep and Krishna Kant, “Integrating Logic Reasoning with AI for Lightweight Edge Based Video Monitoring”, Centra 6 Workshop on Globally Situated Perspectives on AI in the Edge-Cloud-HPC Continuum, Sept 13, 2023.

212.      Negar Mohammadi, Sanjeev Sondur and Krishna Kant, “Improving System Configurations using Domain Knowledge Assisted Semi-Supervised Learning”,  Proc. of 19th International Conference on Network and Service Management , Niagara Falls, Canada, Nov 2023, Extended version available at

213.     Jit Gupta, K. Kant, A. Pal, J. Biswas, “Configuring and Coordinating End-to-End QoS for Emerging Storage Infrastructure”, ACM transactions on Modeling and Performance Evaluation, Jan 2024, Vol 9, No 1,

214.     Pavana Pradeep, Krishna Kant, Amitangshu Pal, “Non-Intrusive Driver Behavior Characterization From Road-Side Cameras”, IEEE IoT Journal, Jan 2024,

215.      Hirsa Kia and Krishna Kant, “Autotuning in Resonant Magnetic Induction Based Communication”, Accepted for DCOSS-IoT (Intl. conf. on dist. computing in Smart Systems and IoT), Abu Dhabi, April 2024, available at 

216.      Jit Gupta, Sourav Das, and Krishna Kant, “NeSt: A QoS Differentiating End-to-End Networked Storage Simulator”, Accepted for Elsevier COMNET Journal, Nov 2024,  Available at

217.      Lu Pang and Krishna Kant, Synthetic Data Generation for Storage Trace Augmentation, Under revision for ACM transactions on storage systems,  June 2024, available at

218.      Negar Mohammadi, Ibrahim El-Shekeil, and Krishna Kant, “Root-Cause Analysis of Service Misconfigurations in Enterprise Systems”,  In press, Springer Journal of Networks and Systems Management (JNSM), available at

219.      Madhurima Ray, Krishna Kant, “Survey on End to End QoS in Storage Systems”, under preparation.

220.      Pavana Pradeep, Krishna Kant, Francesco Di Rienzo and Carlo Vallati, “Video-Based Human-Posture Monitoring from RGB-D Cameras”,  Submitted for publication.

221.      Ruiqi Liu, Songcan Yu, Linsi Lan,  Junbo Wang, Krishna Kant, “A Remedy for Heterogeneous Data: Clustered Federated Learning with Gradient Trajectory”, submitted for publication, available at

222.      Pavana Pradeep,  Krishna Kant and Suya You, “Enhancing Visual Language Models with Logic Reasoning for Situational Awareness”, Submitted for publication.

223.      Lu Pang, Tony Siu, Anis Alazzawe, Krishna Kant and Longin Latecki, “Generalizable Detection of Student Engagement Markers in Online Learning Environments”, submitted for publication to 19th IEEE International Conference on Automatic Face and Gesture Recognition.

224.      Hirsa Kia, Rajpreet Gulati, Krishna Kant, "A Study of Magnetic Resonance and Ultrasound based Through-the-body Communications",  Proc. of IEEE WiMob conference, Oct 2024, 

225.      Sourav Das, Jit Gupta, Krishna Kant, “Online Diagnosis of Microservices Based Applications Via Partial Digital Twin”, Proc. of IEEE NCA conf., Oct 2024, Available at

226.      Negar Mohammadi, Ibrahim El-Shekeil, Krishna Kant, “Enhancing Performance Models with Intelligent Configuration Space Augmentation”, Submitted for publication, Available at

227.      Lan, Linsi, Junbo Wang, Zhi Li, Krishna Kant, and Wanquan Liu. "FedREM: Guided Federated Learning in the Presence of Dynamic Device Unpredictability." IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, July  2024,

228.      Pavana Pradeep, Tony Siu, Stephanie Millwood, Longin Latecki, Krishna Kant, “Exploiting Physiological Signals Enhances Student Engagement Recognition in Online Video Education”, submitted for publication to CVPR 2025.

229.      Hirsa Kia, Pramita Pandit, Krishna Kant, “Energy Transfer Strategies in Magnetic Resonance Based Intrabody Networks”, Submitted for Publication.

230.      Pramita Pandit, Hirsa Kia, Krishna Kant, “Energy Efficiency and Communication Accuracy Tradeoff in Intra-body Networks, Under preparation.